Deep Sea Tango
Deep Sea Tango is a look at the dance between a predator and its prey. The angler fish waits in the weeds, luring his victim with his enchanting light and lunges forward at just the right time. Howeber, our little butterfly fish is too quick and he avoids being a meal .....this time.
As the angler fish moves forward his mouth opens and closes, the lure lights, his eyes roll and the pectoral and tail fins move. The butterfly fish moves back and forth, reversing his directions. An innocent bystander, the oyster, closes shop whenever the angler fish comes near. Afixed to the crank is a little sea turtle with articulated legs that allow him to swim as he goes round and round through the sea. Date Created: July 2016
Dimensions: 18"W X 28"H X 14"D Price: $1,800.00 plus S&H To Purchase please go to the Contact page. |